Monday, December 31, 2012

Wonderful Winter

    I took my little sister Brielle on another photo shoot the other day! After awhile she got cold and put her coat on, l can't blame her, I was in sweatpants and a sweatshirt! I've got some doubles in her, designed differently, same photo. Enjoy!

First Try...

Second Try... In "Sepia!" I like it!

Color? Or Black and White?

First try...

Second try... Soooo much better!

Color? Or B&W?



  1. Dude. You're seriously very good at this. You've got a great eye--especially for composition. I can't wait to see more.

    Sarah Coffman

  2. Baby Girl, your work rocks! I'm so proud of you! I love you so much.

  3. Thanks Sarah! Your like the only other person besides my parents and me who looks at my photos! That means a lot!
    - Annie
